Sunday, 31 December 2017

We are larger than our definitions | Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Alonzo King’s LINES Ballet: Nourishing Heart and Body through Art

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Monday, 18 December 2017

Story of Ballerina Llanchie Stevenson

From the History of Black Ballerina's

There has always had other black ballerina's. This is a great story to know and it confirms
Dance, will win.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Scottish Dance Theatre

There is NO sound, but voice of dance is so strong you can see what it is saying.

If not, just leave some music playing and see how it fit's.

Thursday, 7 December 2017


I love seeing, how being  in the studio, plays out in rehearsals.

Then, it gives birth to the dance and the performer.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Martha Graham - LAMENTATION

Think & dance, then dance & Think.

Martha Graham - FRONTIER

Watch Martha Graham in her own dance, in her own body and in her way. in order
to show you, how she wanted done..

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Martha Graham Documentary NHD 2016

Martha Graham adds real depth to your dancing. It gives you another level, to work with!

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Alvin Ailey speaking at UCLA 3/9/1983

"The kind of company, I want to have".... Alvin Ailey

I was surprised to get a shout out in this recording. That is why, you should always work
hard and be true to the gift of dance. As you never know, who is taking note of your present.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: The Stack-Up

This dance is very close to my heart, as this is a ballet I had to learn when I first joined the company.
 Learn it in ballet shoes, then dance it full out in heels.
Shut up and Dance!

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Alvin Ailey and the Importance of the Arts | The New Yorker

An Enduring Vision from Alvin Ailey.
They are beautiful works of art and now I have seen them, I shall truly treasure them, with care..

Friday, 9 June 2017

Stop defining yourself by what you see | Alonzo King

I dance with my heart

Alonzo King - LINES Ballet

Monday, 5 June 2017


…a new concept of Dance School

 15 GIUGNO 2017

ORE 10.00 – 17.00

L’Accademia Susanna Beltrami e DanceHaus vi invitano ad essere nostri ospiti alle nuove date di OPEN DAY per avere informazioni sull’offerta didattica e gli sbocchi professionali, frequentare le lezioni e incontrare il corpo docenti e gli allievi senior, conoscere i servizi e le opportunità a tua disposizione, nella dance-community più grande di Milano!
…a new concept of Dance School

 15 GIUGNO 2017

ORE 10.00 – 17.00

L’Accademia Susanna Beltrami e DanceHaus vi invitano ad essere nostri ospiti alle nuove date di OPEN DAY per avere informazioni sull’offerta didattica e gli sbocchi professionali, frequentare le lezioni e incontrare il corpo docenti e gli allievi senior, conoscere i servizi e le opportunità a tua disposizione, nella dance-community più grande di Milano!

Benvenuti in Accademia: ore 10.00 – 10.30
Presentazione dei corsi e dell’offerta didattica: ore 10.30 – 11.00
Incontro teorico con Susanna Beltrami: 11.00 – 12.00
Lezione di classico: 12.00 – 13.30
pausa: 13.30- 14.00
Lezione di contemporaneo/floorwork: 14.00 – 15.30
Tour di DanceHaus e saluti conclusivi: 15.30 – 16.00

Prenotate subito il vostro posto richiedendo la scheda d’iscrizione e inviandola all’indirizzo e-mail:

Per esigenze particolari, lo staff orientamento è a disposizione in sede per genitori, allievi e maestri tutti i i giorni dalle 11 alle 13, previo appuntamento da richiedere via posta elettronica a (indicare recapito telefonico a cui essere ricontattati) o al numero di telefono 0236515997. 

DanceHaus Susanna Beltrami, Via Tertulliano 70, Milano

... a new concept of Dance School

June 15, 2017

HOURS 10:00 to 17:00

The Accademia Susanna Beltrami and DanceHaus invite you to be our guest to the new dates of OPEN DAY to get information about the study and career opportunities, attend classes and meet with faculty and senior students about the services and opportunities at your disposal, in the dance-largest community in Milan!

Welcome to the Academy: hours 10:00 to 10:30
Presentation of the courses and the didactic: hours 10:30 to 11:00
Theoretical Meeting with Susanna Beltrami: 11:00 to 12:00
Classic Lesson: 12:00 to 13:30
Pause: 13.30- 14:00
Contemporary Lecture / floorwork: 14:00 to 15:30
Tour of DanceHaus and concluding greetings: 15:30 to 16:00

Reserve your place by requiring the registration form and sending it to the email address: .

For special requirements, the guidance staff is available on site to parents, students and teachers daily starting 11 to 13, by appointment to be requested by email (insert telephone number at which to be contacted) or phone number 0236515997.  

DanceHaus Susanna Beltrami, Via Tertullian 70, Milan

Monday, 15 May 2017


…a new concept of Dance School

 15 GIUGNO 2017

ORE 10.00 – 17.00

L’Accademia Susanna Beltrami e DanceHaus vi invitano ad essere nostri ospiti alle nuove date di OPEN DAY per avere informazioni sull’offerta didattica e gli sbocchi professionali, frequentare le lezioni e incontrare il corpo docenti e gli allievi senior, conoscere i servizi e le opportunità a tua disposizione, nella dance-community più grande di Milano!

Benvenuti in Accademia: ore 10.00 – 10.30
Presentazione dei corsi e dell’offerta didattica: ore 10.30 – 11.00
Incontro teorico con Susanna Beltrami: 11.00 – 12.00
Lezione di classico: 12.00 – 13.30
pausa: 13.30- 14.00
Lezione di contemporaneo/floorwork: 14.00 – 15.30
Tour di DanceHaus e saluti conclusivi: 15.30 – 16.00

Prenotate subito il vostro posto richiedendo la scheda d’iscrizione e inviandola all’indirizzo e-mail:

Per esigenze particolari, lo staff orientamento è a disposizione in sede per genitori, allievi e maestri tutti i i giorni dalle 11 alle 13, previo appuntamento da richiedere via posta elettronica a (indicare recapito telefonico a cui essere ricontattati) o al numero di telefono 0236515997. 

DanceHaus Susanna Beltrami, Via Tertulliano 70, Milano

... a new concept of Dance School

June 15, 2017

HOURS 10:00 to 17:00

The Accademia Susanna Beltrami and DanceHaus invite you to be our guest to the new dates of OPEN DAY to get information about the study and career opportunities, attend classes and meet with faculty and senior students about the services and opportunities at your disposal, in the dance-largest community in Milan!

Welcome to the Academy: hours 10:00 to 10:30
Presentation of the courses and the didactic: hours 10:30 to 11:00
Theoretical Meeting with Susanna Beltrami: 11:00 to 12:00
Classic Lesson: 12:00 to 13:30
Pause: 13.30- 14:00
Contemporary Lecture / floorwork: 14:00 to 15:30
Tour of DanceHaus and concluding greetings: 15:30 to 16:00

Reserve your place by requiring the registration form and sending it to the email address: .

For special requirements, the guidance staff is available on site to parents, students and teachers daily starting 11 to 13, by appointment to be requested by email (insert telephone number at which to be contacted) or phone number 0236515997.  

DanceHaus Susanna Beltrami, Via Tertullian 70, Milan

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Judd Batchelor Interviews Carol Straker

Judd Batchelor 

CEO, Founder & Artistic Director 
Batchelor of Arts Theatre On line

Interview's Carol Straker

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Dancers Dies Twice

A very interesting programme recently aired on Radio 4 - well worth a listen!

A documentary about first deaths and last dances.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The Carol Straker Dance Foundation’s, 30th Anniversary celebrations.

                                                                     Dancers; Carol Straker.. Photo by Robert Rondon 

Carol Straker Dance Foundation - 30th Anniversary

Exhibition related to Carol Straker and her Dance Foundation will include video interviews, archive documents & personal items for people to learn more about this heritage. This exhibit by Dohee, a Master student at Central Saint Martin’s, London is kicking off the start of the Carol Straker Dance Foundation’s, 30th Anniversary celebrations.

The display will be on show in Milan, Italy from Sunday 2nd – Tuesday 11th April 2017.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Exhibition in Milan, Italy

Exhibition related to Carol Straker and her Dance Foundation will include video interviews, archive documents & personal items for people to learn more about this heritage.

 This exhibit by Dohee, a Master student at Central Saint Martin’s, London is kicking off the start of the Carol Straker Dance Foundation’s, 30th Anniversary celebrations.

The display will be on show in Milan, Italy from Sunday 2nd – Tuesday 11th April 2017.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

C-12 Dance Theatre

Secret Encounters: First funded project since 2014

Secret Encounters: Engage the unexpected

I'm delighted to let you know that the C-12 Dance Theatre have been successful in their application to the Arts Council, requesting money to support the creation of "Secret Encounters". 

Annie-Lunnette Deakin-Foster, 
The project is about risk, innovation and an attempt to find new ways to engage and inspire the public through movement, without the traditional 'there is a performance about to happen, this is a performance' set up. 

The project is about risk, innovation and an attempt to find new ways to engage and inspire the public through movement, without the traditional 'there is a performance about to happen, this is a performance' set up.

They will be commissioning 4 exciting, diverse and award winning choreographers to create a 5 minute duet each, 
Annie-Lunnette Deakin-Foster, 

Tony Adigun, Corey Baker & Sally Marie. Each duet has the same theme "First encounters that last forever".  These duets will be performed at 8 locations per performance day. Unannounced, no music and performance times are hidden from the festival goer. The duets will be happening at any location including car parks, bus stops, station platforms, plaza's, shopping centres etc.

Catch them if you can!
Current Tour
Holland: June 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
Holland: June 17th & 18th,
Imagine Festival, Watford: June 24th & 25th,
GDIF: July 1st,
Dance Days, Swansea: July 8th & 9th,
bOing Festival, Kent: Aug 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
Appetite Festival, Stoke:Aug 25th & Aug 26,
DNweekeND, Doncaster: Sept 2nd,
Holland: Sept 8th & 9th

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

How to create a simple wordpress site

Jessica Straker has been in talks with Haringey Council about running some short courses at the libraries and they have agreed to run a trial session on the 24th March at their HALS centre, located on the 2nd floor of the Wood Green Library.

The course will be taught by Jessica, covering how to create a simple wordpress site and is aimed at local people & businesses. Haringey will be charging £5 for this trial session, tickets are not needed in advance but spaces are limited so I advise people to call up in advance and drum up interest. 

If you could share this with the local community and any business owners you know (who may or may not be affected by gentrification) it would be great as Jessica would like to help as many businesses in the area as possible. She has also created a short survey of 10 questions that will help her get a better understanding and knowledge of who's out there:

The session takes place between 1-3pm at:

Haringey Adult Learning Service

2nd Floor,
Wood Green Library
High Road

Wood Green
N22 6XD

020 8489 2596

Friday, 24 February 2017

Free e-book - A basic guide book on How to Rule Your Money

This is a great book for dancers or anyone with a little or loads of money to get as it may, help you to understand how to manage it better.

Free: Feb 24th-26th 2017 enjoy!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

AUCUK African Arts

       AUCUK African Arts an exhibition related to the indigenous 
                          East-African Traditional Crafts.

        at the Hornsey Library, Haringey Park, London, N8 9JA,                                                 England.UK 

                          Gallery opening times Mon-Fri 1.00pm to 7.00pm
                                                   Saturday 1.00pm to 5.00pm
                                                      Sunday 12.00 to 4.00pm

                        Cultural weaving and costume making. 
              A cultural exhibition to include lectures and talks. 
                     Learn  more about unknown craft heritage.

        AUCUK African Arts 1st February to Sunday 12th March 2017                               More information & details at

Moonlight x Alvin Ailey Dancers

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Amsterdans Dance Competition

                                         Let's meet the world at 2nd AmsterDans

SAVE THE DATE : Amsterdam
18 and 19 March, 2017
AmsterDans is the first international dance competition in the Netherlands for ballet and contemporary/modern dance. It has a number of categories including solos, duets and group works in both balletand contemporary/modern dance, and for choreographic composition(groups only).
Competitors will be divided according to age. For more specific information in English, Italian and Dutch, visit our website
The purpose of AmsterDans festival is to provide an opportunity to advanced amateur dancers, dance schools, and dance teachers to come together in an atmosphere of friendly competition in order to learn from and inspire each other.
The novelty of 2017's edition is the pre-pro category, reserved for students of academies and professional schools. It has categories for solo and duets in both ballet and contemporary/modern, for dancers 15 and up.
Registration deadline is March, 4, 2017
Don't miss this new experience, with an international jury and great prizes including scholarships for various studios and schools including: Peridance Studios (NYC), Henny Jurriens Foundation (NL), Dutch Don't Dance Division Summer Course (NL), Areadanza (ITA), Chassé Dance Studios (NL), a residency with the Delattre Dance Company (GER), free registrations for other international competitions, gift certificates of Flevo Dancewear and Yumiko Dancewaer, and Cash Prizes from Flying Dutchman and Incitus. 
AmsterDans will take place in the lovely Chassé Dance Studios and in the impressive Compagnie Theater.
Thanks to low-cost flights (Transavia, Easy-jet, Ryanair and others), getting to Amsterdam is cheap and easy !!!
We are glad to announce the international judges:
  • Mr. KEITH MORINO (Canada/Spain - Director, Professional Conservatory of Dance Barcelona, Spain)
  • Mr. STEPHEN DELATTRE (France/Germany - Director Delattre Dance Company, Mainz, Germany)
  • Mrs. LAURENCE KORSENTI (France - National Ballet Academy, Amsterdam)
  • Mrs GAIA LEMMI (Italy - Director Areadanza, Livorno, Italy)
  • Ms. INEKE DRABBE (The Netherlands - Programmer Henny Jurriens Foundation)
  • Ms. ASTRID van LEEUWEN (The Netherlands - prominent dance journalist, Amsterdam)

and the guest teachers :
  • Mrs SAVINA MARASI (Italy - teacher Novacollege)
  • Mr. ALEXANDER ZHEMBROVSKYY (Ukraine - Soloist of Dutch National Ballet)
  • Ms. LIAT WAYSBORT (Israel/The Netherlands - teacher Academy for Theater and Dance, Amsterdam)
  • Ms. MARIEKE van der HEIJDEN (The Netherlands - ballet school owner director and director of the pre-national ballet academy children's program) 

You can find rules, applications and information on our website
To be updated click "like" on our Facebook page. Should you have any questions, contact us at
We look forward to meeting you in beautiful Amsterdam!

mailing address is:
AmsterDans, Chasseestraat, 67 - 1057 JJ Amsterdam (Nederlands)