Friday, 29 November 2013

Bring the noise!

This dance session begins with an all over warm up which includes stretching, muscle isolation's exercises, as well as basic dance techniques. 

It is followed by a motivating dance routine, which is easy to follow. 

Pick music that makes you feel good. 

Create and develop a style with a move it! Move it! Happy  feel to it.! 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Part 3.... .Some thoughts on ... What makes a good teacher!

Part 3.... .Some thoughts on ...
What makes a good teacher!

* Don't be afraid  to give corrections. It is your responsibility as a teacher! Think about the  priorities of your corrections.

* Get the base of the body (for - hip placement)  right before worrying about how the head is held. (This is just a general rule - the overall picture is not to be forgotten).

*  Teach age appropriate material. For example: young children have different muscle structure and their bodies look more baby-like, their abdominal muscles are not fully developed. They will find isolation of torso or other exercises  using  their abdominal quite hard.   Or before the children can't exercise a good tendue (point the toes) to the front, don't teach a side tendue.

I am not saying you can't teach certain things ever (you  could  introduce them as a challenge) just reflect on the expectations you have of your students.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Part 2.... .Some thoughts on ... What makes a good teacher!

Part 2.... .Some thoughts on ...
What makes a good teacher!

*  Maintain a certain energy level in your class. Think about how you present yourself to
the students (try to sit down as little as possible in class!!!)

* Demonstrate correctly. You are the only person that the students can get the necessary information from.   Show each exercise as nicely and  precisely as you want your students to do it ( again this is about your energy level as well as your technique ).   

* Don't assume anything. From being in dance education for a long time you might have forgotten that you have to explain the ground  rules of dance. Students new to dance don't know why
- you always count from one to eight
- plus "en croix" ( front,side,back & side ) is not a logic pattern to them 
- work from the corners might have to be explained in general .

Be prepared to explain things you might think are logical. With little children it might actually help if you explain - why you want them to stand still, be quiet or not to go to the toilet during class ( "if your dancing on a stage with a big audience watching you ........." )  

* Don't  be ...........

Friday, 15 November 2013

Diva Dance Chat: Eric Oberdorff

       Which star sign you are? 

       What's your favorite food to eat?
       Raw fish in coconut sauce (Tahitian recepe)

    What's your favorite saying, life code or     quote?
I've got two :
"Never have cheap dreams"
"Ni dieu ni maƮtre!" (literally 'Neither God nor master')

Which color do you love the best? 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Some thoughts on ...... What makes a good teacher! part 1

Part 1........Some thoughts on ...
What makes a good teacher!

By teaching children you are given a big responsibility. Here are some ideas that might help you to make the best out of it. All the following is meant only as a guideline with some of the things mentioned below might only apply in certain situations, but I hope they stimulate some thoughts.

People have different personalities therefore every person has to develop their own style of teaching. You can learn a lot from watching other people teach. Ask try o remember your own teachers and what you think made them a good or bad teacher. Even though I believe teaching has a lot o do with personalities and there are also some ground rules that all of us should try to follow:

*  Only someone who like teaching makes a good teacher.

*  Maintain a certain energy level in your class. Think about how you present yourself to

Friday, 8 November 2013

Dance, Money and Amazing Films

I went to go and see this film earlier this year and immediately fell in love with it. In my opinion, this clip sums up the strive to compete against the corporate companies and high end bosses. What better way to do it, than through dance? Although I must say this never happens to me when I go to the office!